Arming and equipping a civilian, antizombie team should follow the
same pattern as a military unit. Each person should have a standard
"kit" in addition to certain items required for the whole team.

Every member should cany:
Primary fuearm (rifle or semiautomatic carbine) . Fifty rounds of ammunition
Cleaning kit
Secondary weapon (preferably a pistol)
Twenty-five rounds of ammunition
Hand-to-hand weapon (large or small)
Two emergency flares
Signaling mirror
Two-way radio
Two ways of making fue (matches, lighter, etc.)
Full quart canteen
Daily rations
Personal mess kit
Hiking or combat boots
Two pairs of socks
Bedroll or pad

Each group (ten people or fewer) should have:
Two silent weapons (could be carried as secondary weapons)
Three explosive devices
Two grappling hooks . 500 feet of rope (nylon construction, 716" diameter, tensile strength
6,500 lbs., load absorption 1,450 ft.ilb.)
Two pairs of binoculars (minimum 50mm lensesIl0X power)
Two crowbars (could be canied as hand-to-hand weapons)
Two bolt cutters
Tool kit (must include: hammer-claw and ball-peen 4 oz., diagonal
4" pliers with spring, 4-6" longnose pliers with cutter, Phillips
screwdrivers [3", 4", and stubby], slot screwdriver [4-5'7, jeweler's
screwdrivers set, 12" x k' hacksaw, 3M electrical tape, adjustable
wrench, hand drill with 2-5mm bit set)
Ax or hand hatchet (could be canied as hand-to-hand weapon)
Medical kit (must include: bandages, cotton rolls/balls, two arm
slings, scissors, medical tape, Merthiolate vials,
antiseptic swab sticks, antiseptic and cleaning
towelettes, bacterial soap, sterile gauzeleye pads,
petrolatum, sterile lancets)
Three gallons extra potable water
Two maps (immediate zonelsurrounding area)
Two compasses
Extra batteries for all electronic devices
Ten extra emergency flares
Four compact entrenching tools (could be canied
as hand-to-hand weapons)

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